our story

Camp 400 was, and is, an idea built on memories and persistence. A several year long journey met with challenges and adversity…but we did not flinch, we did not waiver; it became the fabric of this existence.  Every nail driven, room constructed, decoration on the wall, bears its own special meaning.  That meaning and persistence is what will continue driving our mission to provide a 5-star lodging and event experience here in Southeast Kansas.  The idea was to create a unique, first-in-class, camp site with the hunter in mind. 

One day driving home from a morning hunt, I saw a for sale sign on a less than appealing 40 acre tract, just off the north side of highway 400, west of McCune.  Hedge and thorny locust engulfed the entire property.  At first glance, it was certainly no place for this idea to be brought. Yet, something about it felt right.  So we bought it.  Every noxious tree and overgrown section cleared, unearthed amazing character on this 40 acre gem.  Three years later and some heavy equipment affection, Camp 400 was born.  A master plan in place, multiple cabins and RV sites to come.  As luck would have it, shortly after completion of our first cabin, an existing barn two miles up the road came for sale.  No part of this was in our original plan, but after visiting with the family, learning the history and memories behind this place, made it seem as if it was. Fast forward two-and-a-half years later, a time-honored masterpiece was evolving into something epic; Lodge 400 was born. 

  ~ In Loving Memory ~

Half way through the Lodge project, my mentor and best friend passed away.  The man who paved this path.  Lots of reasons crept in to abandon this project but you kept guiding me in the forward direction.  Thank you, Pops, for showing me the way.  “The Missing Piece” - One day we’ll complete that puzzle together.  Until then, as you would, full speed ahead…